Monday 10 June 2013

Using Fibonacci Sequence in Web Design and Quilting

Here’s another fascinating concept – if you like math!

In our textbook, Universal Design Principles, the authors discuss the Fibonacci Sequence.  It’s “a sequence of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers” (e.g., 0 +1=1; 1+2=3; 2+3=5; 3+5=8; 5+8=13; 8+13=21; 13+21=34; 21+34=55).  
It’s used in music, art and architecture to achieve “harmonious” designs. For those who like math, it’s a concrete rule that helps achieve a look that is backed up by logic and math.

I first heard of the Fibonacci Sequence when visiting the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. The architect, Gaudi, used many examples of nature in his designs, including the Fibonacci Sequence. Here’s a church to blow your mind. It’s like looking at a Gothic, organic Sci-fi movie. Here are a couple of pictures!

The outside of the Sagrada Familia

Inside the Sagrada Familia

Many of the pages on the web discuss the Fibonacci Sequence as well as the Golden Ratio, which is based on the Fibonacci Sequence.  Both of these concepts are used for things such as the relationship between the content area of the page and the sidebar, or figuring out the measurements of your text and your headers. The ratio, apparently is 1:1.61. There are even ratio calculator apps available to help you figure it out.
Here are a couple of blogs that have more information:

Ricky Tims' Fibonacci Sequence

Since my final project will be designing a quilt guild website, I thought I would check out the Fibonacci Sequence and Quilting since quilting is very math based (if you want it to be). It turns out that one of the gurus of the quilting world, Ricky Tims has created this quilt using the Fibonacci Sequence.

Isn’t it stunning?

Here's to harmonious designs!

1 comment:

  1. I’m struggling to come up with new blog post ideas every week, so this list was extremely helpful. Thanks! Good luck from GrafWeb.
